Porkfat & Spicy Joint shortlisted in Time Out Food & Drink Awards 2023

Two of Haymarket's finest, Porkfat and Spicy Joint, have scored nominations in the prestigious Time Out Food & Drink Awards 2023.

Porkfat: Up for "Best Relaxed Dining Venue"

The Relaxed Dining Venue Award recognises outstanding Sydney restaurants in the mid-price bracket. All nominees in this category have relaxed and inviting environments, and they’re committed to delivering a singular, heightened experience for diners.

Critics praise Pork Fat for its fiery and authentic Thai cuisine, learn why they love it here.

Spicy Joint: Nominated for "Best Cheap Eat"

The nominees in the Best Cheap Eat category are outstanding restaurants or takeaway joints where you can eat well for less than $50 per person.

Time Out says Spicy Joint delivers flavourful Sichuan dishes at wallet-friendly prices. Discover more about this stylish eatery here.

Vote for Your Haymarket Favourites and Win!

Support your top Haymarket spots in the People's Choice Awards for a chance to win $1K in vouchers. Vote here.

Winners are announced on October 10.

Porkfat Haymarket- Best Relaxed Dining Venue
Spicy Joint Haymarket - Best Cheap Eat

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